⭐Getting started

Just a couple of steps and you'll be on your way.

Migrating from RBS 1.0

If your agency was invited to onboard to Resource Booking System (RBS) 2.0, it is especially important that you understand the following set up:

Your data will be automatically transferred over from the previous version of RBS. This includes your agency's existing:

  • Agency settings

  • Users and user groups

  • List of resources

  • Presets assigned to resources, such as additional services, availability schedules, booking usage, and built-in amenities

  • Bookings, past and present

If you need help

The GovTech Standard Products team will be conducting a series of onboarding sessions for agencies invited to onboard RBS 2.0.

During this session, agency admins will learn:

  • the onboarding details including the migration timeline

  • basic features of RBS 2.0

If you need help after the onboarding session, contact an application admin.

If you did not receive an invite

The roll out of RBS 2.0 is in phases therefore the onboarding timeline differs for all agencies. GovTech Standard Products team will invite agencies for onboarding based on the features that are rolled out in different stage of releases. This helps us to gradually gather feedback, identify issues, and improve it along the way.

If you're currently using RBS 1.0 and wish to try RBS 2.0, contact an application admin.


Some of the terms used in RBS 2.0 may be different from what you’re used to. Here's a list that’s organised in alphabetical order for you to refer to.

Current termWas previously called Explanation

Resource item (Beverage)

Extra services that users can request for when they make a booking. To fulfil these requests, agencies may need to make prior preparations.

Beverages or catering could be an example of an additional service.

Operating hour

Schedule that determines when a resource will be available for booking.

For example, weekdays from 9am to 6pm.

Availability schedule effective dates

Operating period

Dates where the availability schedule will take effect.

Dates are inclusive. For example, if the effective dates are 1 Jan 2023 – 31 Mar 2023, the availability schedule will take effect on 1 January 2023, and will no longer apply on 1 April 2023.

Operating type: Session

Type of availability schedule where users must choose from fixed time slots, which the admin can customise.

Operating type: Interval

Type of availability schedule where users can choose the duration of their booking, as long as it's available.

Booking ID

Booking reference or ref. number

A unique combination of letters and numbers used to identify a specific booking.

Booking owner

Booked for

The user who owns the booking, and can:

  • view, edit, or cancel the booking

  • receive notifications for the booking

  • manually start the booking, if it’s required

  • add booking hosts for the booking

Resource item (Amenity)

A feature that's part of a Room resource and can be used as part of the booking.

Examples include projector or whiteboard.

Resource type

Second level in the hierarchy for the organisation of resources.

Meeting Rooms could be an example of a resource subtype that's under the resource type Rooms.

Resource category

First and highest level in the hierarchy for the organisation of resources.

Rooms and Office Equipment are some examples of Resource types.

User provisions

Permissions and settings configured at the user group level, specifically:

  • resource permissions

  • booking window

  • booking limits

User who made the booking

Booked by

The user who made the booking. This might be different from the booking owner if the user is making a booking on behalf of someone else.

Last updated