Booking window

Decide when users can make resource bookings.

The booking window settings determine when users can make resource bookings.

More specifically:

  • how many days in advance?

  • how many days into the future?

  • at what time?

Here’s an example based on a user who wants to make a booking for a room on 6 December 2023 at 1pm.

Booking window settingsBooking must be made

At least 3 days in advance

Before 3 December 2023, 1pm

At most 5 days into the future

After 1 December 2023, 1pm

Between 9am and 5pm

Between 9am and 5pm

In this case, the user will only be able to make the bookings during these time periods:

  • 1 December 2023, 1pm to 5pm

  • 2 December 2023: 9am to 5pm

  • 3 December 2023: 9am to 1pm

To understand which settings will apply when a user makes a booking, read Identifying active settings.

Last updated