Notification templates

The actual message that relevant users will receive, created using personalisation tags.

A notification template is the actual message that relevant users will receive. It is part of a notification scheme that will be triggered by an event.

For example, if a booking is confirmed (the event), it'll trigger the notification scheme named Booking confirmed. This notification scheme comprises 4 notification templates. This means that there will be a total of 4 notifications sent. However, some of these notifications may be for 1 specific group of users only.

When you create a notification template, you can determine the:

  • type of notification

  • message

  • recipient (for applicable events only)

  • delivery schedule (for applicable events only)

Types of notification

There are two types of notification templates:

  • Email

  • Web and app

Email notifications will be sent to the user’s email address.

Web notifications will be shown when the user logs in to RBS on their desktop or laptop.

App notifications will be sent as a push notification to users who have the Workpal app installed on their mobile device.

Although web and app notifications are sent separately, the message that you create must be the same for both.


You can edit the message that will be sent using personalisation tags. When the notification is sent, these tags will be replaced with information that’s relevant to the user or booking.

Personalisation tagDescriptionExample

Additional service

Name of the additional service, and the quantity or time requested.

Cleaning services (1 hour)

Booking ID

Unique ID of the booking


Booking dates

Date of the booking. Can be a single date or a list of dates (if it's a recurring booking).

28 July 2023, Friday

Booking hosts

Current hosts for the booking. If there are multiple hosts, each host will be separated by a line break.

Alicia Lim Xin Yi (

Alexander Koh Wei Jie (

Audrey Ng Li Ying (

Booking owner

Current owner for the booking

Aaron Lee Jun Jie (

Booking time

Time of the booking

10:00am – 12:00pm

Booking title

Booking title, as entered by the user.

Scrum of scrums

Booking usage

Booking usage, as selected by the user at the time of booking.

VIP meeting

Date and time booking was edited

Date and time the booking was last edited

6 July 2023, 12:36pm

Date and time booking was made

Date and time the booking was first made

6 July 2023, 12:36pm

Last user to update booking

The user who last updated the booking, and their email. This could be:

  • a user who edited the booking

  • an agency admin who cancelled the booking

Aaron Lee Jun Jie (

Previous booking hosts

The previous booking hosts before the booking was transferred. Includes their email. If there are multiple hosts, each host will be separated by a line break.

Alicia Lim Xin Yi (

Alexander Koh Wei Jie (

Audrey Ng Li Ying (

Previous booking owner

The previous booking owner before the booking was transferred. Includes their email.

Aaron Lee Jun Jie (

Reason for cancellation

The reason provided by the admin for cancelling the booking

Sorry, we need the room for a last-minute VIP meeting.

Recipient's full name

Full name of the recipient of the notification

Alicia Lim Xin Yi

Recurring label

Label to indicate a recurring booking. If it is not a recurring booking, nothing will be shown.

Resource name

Name of resource

0811 Einstein

User who made booking

The user who made the booking

Aaron Lee Jun Jie


Depending on the event that will trigger the notification scheme, you may be able to decide the recipient for the notification template.

This means you can have a different notification template (and message) for each recipient.

EventPossible recipients

Booking cancelled by admin

  • Booking hosts

  • Booking owner

Booking cancelled by user

  • Booking hosts

  • Booking owner

Booking confirmed

  • Booking hosts

  • Booking owner

  • User who made booking

Booking reminder: upcoming

  • Booking hosts

  • Booking owner

Booking transferred

  • New booking owner

  • Previous booking hosts

  • Previous booking owner

Delivery schedule

Depending on the event that will trigger the notification scheme, you may be able to decide when a notification template will be sent. For example, for upcoming booking reminders, you can choose to send the notification 1 day before the booking at 2pm.

EventWhen to send the notification?

Account deactivation warning

How many days before account deactivation?

Additional service: reminder

How many days before booking?

At what time?

Booking reminder: upcoming

How many days before booking?

At what time?

Viewing and editing notification templates

To edit a notification template:

  1. On the side navigation bar, select Notifications

  2. Select a notification scheme from the table

  3. On the side panel, look for notification templates and select Edit

  4. Select the notification template to edit

  5. Make your edits and select Save

More about notifications

Last updated