
Understand how physical locations for agency resources are managed.

Locations are used to define where your resources are at. Most of the time, when creating a resource, you'll need to select where the resource is located. This is to help users find a resource near to where they are.

When searching for resources, users can filter by location. Defining a precise location for your resources will make it easier for users who may have specific requirements.

Parent and child locations

Depending on the location, there can be up to 3 location levels. These levels are organised in a hierarchy with parent and child locations. In most cases, the resource should be located at the lowest location level.

Here are 2 examples:

In example A, Meeting Room 10-39 is located at Level 3 of Block 10 within the Headquarters compound. In this case:

  • Level 3’s parent location is Block 10

  • Block 10’s parent location is Headquarters

  • Headquarters has no parent location

  • Block 10 is a child location of Headquarters

  • Level 3 is a child location of Block 10

In example B, 1029 Andes is located at Level 10 of TPY Building. This means:

  • Level 10’s parent location is TPY Building

  • TPY Building has no parent location

  • Level 10 is a child location of TPY Building

Shared locations

A location can be shared among multiple agencies. For example, if a location is shared among MOF, MTI, and PSD, admins of these 3 agencies can create resources within the same location.

Shared locations are different from shared resources. If you want to share resources with users of another agency, edit the resource to enable sharing.

Viewing and editing locations

To view the locations available for your agency, select Locations on the side navigation bar.

You’ll see a table with all the locations you can create resources in. From this table, you can look for and edit an individual location.

The name of each location is displayed along with its parent location in the following format: Location Level 1, Location Level 2, Location Level 3.

For example, if the location name is listed as Queenstown Public Library, Level 1, it means that the parent location is Queenstown Public Library and the child location is Level 1.

When you edit a location, you are editing it for all the agencies that have access to the location.

Creating locations

You can create a location for your resources. If necessary, the location that you create can be shared with other agencies.

Here are some tips for creating locations:

  • Check that the location does not already exist If this is a location that’s shared with other agencies, admins of the other agencies may have already created it.

  • When entering the name of the location, do not include the parent location. For example, the name should be Level 1 instead of Queenstown Public Library, Level 1.

  • Select the correct parent location

    For example, if you’re creating Level 1 of Queenstown Public Library, make sure you select Queenstown Public Library as the parent location. If there is no parent

    location, select None.

  • If it’s a shared location, do give all the relevant agencies access.

    This prevents duplicate locations, which makes it harder for users to find resources near them.

Types of location

There are 3 types of location:

  • Building (for example: CPIB, Revenue House)

  • Common Area (for example, Braddell Campus, Left Wing)

  • Floor (for example, Level 10)

When creating a location, you’ll be asked to select a type that best describes it. This allows you to filter by location type when viewing locations.

Last updated