Booking usage

Reasons for booking a resource, usually used to screen booking requests.

You can ask users to let you know how they'll be using the resource when they make a Room booking.

For example:

  • Event

  • External Meeting

  • Training

  • Workshop

This is optional, and up to the needs of your agency.

Here are some examples of how you can use this booking usage feature:

  • collect data about how your resources are being used

  • screen booking requests before approval*

*Only available in future releases of RBS 2.0

If you choose to ask users to select their booking usage, you'll have to provide a list of options. When booking the resource, users will be asked to select from the list.

Viewing and editing booking usage

To view the booking usage presets available for your agency:

  1. On the side navigation bar, select Resources

  2. Select Booking usage under the Resource presets section

From this table, you can look for and edit your agency's booking usage presets. The edits you make will apply to all resources with the booking usage assigned.

If the booking usage VIP meeting is assigned to 10 resources, renaming it to External Meeting will change it for all 10 resources.

Common presets

Currently, there are 11 common presets for booking usage:

  • Meeting (Internal)

  • Meeting (External)

  • Event (Internal)

  • Event (External)

  • Training

  • Briefing

  • Interview

  • Workshop

  • Seminar

  • Recreation

  • Other

These presets were created for your convenience, as they represent what’s common among many agencies.

If the common preset applies to your agency, you can assign them to resources. If it does not apply to your agency, you do not have to use them.

You cannot edit or delete common presets. This is because they are shared among all agencies.

Agency presets

You can create a new booking usage preset for your agency, if it’s not on the list of common presets.

The preset you create will only be used for your agency. However, you can only delete it if it is not assigned to any resource.

Assigning booking usage

Booking usage presets must be assigned to resources before users can select it.

If you create the booking usage Workshop but it is not assigned to any resource, users will not be able to select it.

You should assign more than 1 booking usage to a resource. This will allow you to collect accurate information from your users.

To assign a booking usage to an existing resource:

  1. On the side navigation bar, select Resources

  2. Select All resources

  3. Select a resource

  4. On the side panel, look for booking usage and select Edit

  5. Select the booking usage you wish to assign. You can select more than 1.

Once you assign the booking usage, users will be able to select it from the list when making a booking for the resource.

Other resource presets

Extra services users can request for when they make a booking.

Schedules that determine when resources will be available for booking.

Features that are part of a Room resource, such as projector or whiteboard.

Last updated